Thursday, 2 May 2024, 9:31 PM
Site: Welcome to OER on Open Access
Course: Introduction to Open Access (Introduction to OA)
Glossary: Glossary

Journal Immediacy Index

It is the average number of times that an article published in a specific year within a specific journal is cited over the course of that same year.

Journal Impact Factor

It is the number of current citations to articles published in a specific journal in a two year period divided by the total number of articles published in the same journal in the corresponding two year period.


Libre OA

It removes price barriers and at least some permission barriers as well. It is free of charge and expressly permits uses beyond fair use.

Licence to Publish

An exclusive right authors grant to publishers.


A permission or authorization that ensures licensors get the credit for their work.


Open Source Software

It is computer software with its source code made available and licensed with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study change and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.


Partial OA

It offers free availability of the journal's primary research articles, but access to other value-added content such as editorials and review articles requires a subscription.


Scholarly Journal

It is a peer-reviewed periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published. Academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for scrutiny of new research, and the critique of existing research.

Science Citation Index

It is the first commercially available citation index, launched in 1964 by the ISI. Now it is available with the WoS/ WoK platform.

SCImago Journal Rank

It is a prestige metric based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'.


It is the world's largest abstracting and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.

Selected OA

It offers free availability of selected articles of a journal issue, while the rest of the issue requires a subscription to access.


It is a reference an author provide in a document to other documents written by himself/ herself.

Serials Crisis

A common phenomenon to describe the constant increase in subscription cost increases of many scholarly journals.

Short-term OA

It provides free access to articles for a short period after publication, after which they are only available to paid subscribers.


It measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.

Social Science Citation Index

It is the second commercially available citation index, launched in 1972 by the ISI. Now it is available with the WoS/ WoK platform.